2001 Annual General Meeting & Ma Earth Trail Ride - October 13th, 2001 |
This year's Annual General Meeting was by far the shortest in recent history. For once it could have gone on longer as the weather forecast was for a very wet trail ride. 105 members, family and friends with 48 Jeeps gathered for breakfast at the VFW Hall in Pittsfield for the 2001 Annual Meeting and Ma Earth Trail Ride and Night Ride.
John is jokingly explaining to the audience that he had read in a manual somewhere that you have to test your rev-limiter at least once a month. This way he is able to keep Randy in front of the Jeep running very fast to prevent him from being run over. |
Ma Earth Trail Ride | |
Six trails had been originally planned for
this year's trail ride but several inches of rain in the preceding days
reduced the selection to just three. With clouds starting to darken the
sky the convoys left the VFW. It was not expected that we would be able to
complete any of the remaining Ridge Rambler, Murphy's Law and Back 40
trails in their entirety.
We were only on Murphy's Law
Trail for a few minutes before the first casualty - Scooter Hansler broke a
clutch component in his CJ7 and was forced to ride with the big Kahuna -
Murphy himself, an always fun and entertaining experience, but sometimes
somewhat on the terrifying side. A few yards later fallen tress required
trail leader Steve (Chief) Gambrill to break out the chain saw to make room
for the Jeeps to proceed. Bob Kavka is seen here doing a mighty fine job of
holding back Chief's YJ. |
The rain started to come down fairly heavily at times and trail leader Gambrill thought it would be best if we did not get caught in the gullies. Previous heavy downpours have left Jeeps struggling for many hours to exit this trail due to the many creeks and long muddy hills.
The Tank was tail gunner for the day with the unfortunate luck to be also the chauffer and general transportation for yours truly. I made him put the roof on because I didn't like getting wet. I didn't bring my own Willys because it was sans roof or heater and complete with 1940s era non-windshield wipers. It's certainly nice to be driven the 600 miles to and from Naperville. It's amazing what you miss when you have to drive |
This creek was dry when we entered the trail. Although not a raging torrent at this point it doesn't take a lot of rain for the creeks to become anti social. |
"Don't worry Pete it's only flat on the one side." Another member of Team Plesko jacks up the TJ as Pete ponders how an AT tire is going to get him off the trail. |
Pete Niles had the bad luck to tear open a
tire on a rock. Pete looks on as Team Plesko changes the tire for him -
must be nice!!!!
We were off the trail without further incident. The rain came down harder so we convoyed out for our usual shopping trip to Farm and Home in Pittsfield. Thanks Murph for letting us use
your property again. |
The Party | |
Debbie and Tom Wombles hosted a hog roast at
their farm. It was a well-attended gathering with excellent barbequed
pork. The lovely Ric Schultz with pal Kim and kids came dressed in
Halloween garb entertained us. It was Tom's birthday and he was dually
embarrassed with presents and cards, and kisses from the cheerleader.
The night run to Dutch Creek
was cancelled due to the heavy rainfall which was a great shame as this is
one of the highlights of the Ma Earth Trail Ride. |
Thanks Debbie and Tom for being great hosts.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is Craig Jessemen's Jeep pictured at the Pike Motel after a hard day on Back 40. Ridden hard and ……….. Nothing that money and a power
washer won't fix. If it ain't dirty and ain't broke, you were obviously not
having enough fun. |
Final Thoughts for the Day | |
2002 will be a year of many
volunteers. With two major national trail ride events the club will need
more volunteers and help. Please let us know how you can help. Even if it's
sticking on a few stamps or contributing ideas it will be appreciated. We
will need members to help with club promotional ideas. We will need new
trail guides and tail gunners, people to physically help at the events. Help
with trail sign up at the regular club runs. Next time you come down please
ask if there is anything you can do to help with the days activities.
Thanks. |