Phase 4 - "Finish" Framing
August 30th -7.54am - Marvin Windows and doors have been installed. Some cedar siding has been installed and primer painted. We had torrential storms this last week depositing 4" of rain.
August 30th -7.49am - Tray ceiling framing and other ceiling work cintinues
August 30th -7.19am - We have moved furniture and emptied cabinets and the downstairs bathroom in preparation for the inner wall being demolished so the plumbers and electricians can get to work.
September 12th - 6.03pm - The plumbers and electrician has been at it for two weeks. They haven't finished because they didn't show up for 10days after they were scheduled. They still have 2 more days work ahead of them before the inspectors come back. RT at been demolishing the walls and removing kitchen cabinets.
The pictures above are from left to right - The first picture is from our family room looking south through our new windows out into the back yard and pool. The second picture is with my back to the kitchen wall. The third picture I am looking at the kitchen from where our downstairs bathroom used to be. In the fourth picture I am standing in the southwest corner of the addition looking at the new kitchen area and old family room. The sink has been temporarily moved to it's new location so at least we have water, and the stove has been left in place for Julie to burn her Quesadillas.
September 12th . . . .
. . . .September 28th, 2004
And the Top Ten Eleven Twelve List of why the House is not finished:
(Just go down to the number 1 spot)
12. I just remembered I have to drive my mother to Texas today.
11. I've never done a job as big as this before.
10. I don't understand why concrete costs more in Naperville than it does in Sterling , Illinois.
9. My new helper injured his wrist and can't work anymore.
8. The transmission went out on my helper's truck.
7. My helper's son crashed my helper's other car while drag racing.
6. I bid the job so low I cannot afford any help.
5. My new helper got a D.U.I. and now can't get to work.
4. My helper had to re-roof his house today.
3. The septic tank installer forgot he had a child custody court date today.
2. My helper got a boil the size of an egg in his butt and had to stay home.
And the latest, most sensational, incredible, unbelievable but true number one reason why the job is still not finished is....
1: My helper has gone down to Texas to collect his brother's body after he is executed tonight at 6:00pm and I don't know when he will be back.
September 28th, 2004 - Julie's new home office and the temporary supporting wall we are told should keep up the second floor while the steel beam is replaced with hidden micro-lam beams.
October 4th, 2004 - Now you may think these are the same pictures taken on August 30th - Well they could be because the exterior hasn't changed a bit.
October 4th, 2004 - Our dining room and my office - now just storage rooms. Our new 600 lb Sub-Zero refrigerator
October 11th, 2004 - Not particularly relevant but we did some serious tree trimming.