I’m not much into trains and railroads although I am constantly drawn to old steam engine train rides around the world. When Dave suggested we take a side trail up to the collapsed Alpine Tunnel we didn’t hesitate. The technology, grit and shear determination needed to build a railroad of this type around and through a mountain was amazing. To think it was built over a 100 years ago in a just few years is equally amazing.
One consolation of driving an old railroad grade is the fact that they are very smooth and only about 3% grade. However the shelf road and fantastic drop off does leave very little room for error.
Video of the old railway grade. Check out the drop off and fantastic rock work to shear up the edge of the grade.
The remains of the Alpine Station Complex
Sign at the entrance to the Alpine Station Complex
Sign at the entrance to the Alpine Station Complex
Sign at the entrance to the Alpine Station Complex
Hancock Pass was a means to get to the Alpine Pass Tunnel and the Williams Pass. We encountered many SUVs, ATVs, Jeeps and side by sides on the journey. In fact we probably saw more trafiic on this trip than the the other 8 trails combined. Neverless it was traditional, spectacular Colorado scenery and not to be missed.
Yep, we were there
Above tree line on the Hancock Pass Trail - Boy I’m going to miss the LJ